Terms of Service and Cancellations Terms
Red Light District Tours – Chambre of Commerce 60464623 – VAT 853922457B01
Cancellations and time exceeding
1.a. After reservation and written, e-mail or oral confirmation is given to the agreement from both parties, the principal owes the following percentages of the invoiced amount in case of cancellation:
• More than four weeks prior to the agreed date of the execution of the agreement: 10%
• 3-4 weeks prior to the agreed date of the execution of the agreement: 15%
• 1-3 weeks prior to the agreed date of the execution of the agreement: 35%
• 1-7 days prior to the agreed date of the execution of the agreement: 65%
• Within 48 hours prior to the agreed date of the execution of the agreement: 100%
The by the principal requested cancellation can only happen in writing or by e-mail. The cancellation is only valid when we have confirmed it has been received or read.
In case of the reservation at a third party, which can include the making of bookings at restaurants, theaters, boat companies or other third parties, Red light district tours maintains the general terms and conditions of this booking partners. These may differ from our terms and conditions. You can request them at all times from Red light district tours.
b. A free decrease in the total amount of participants within a margin of 10% can be agreed on within 48 hours prior to the agreed date, by e-mail or written letter. In case a decrease in the total amount of participants exceeds 10%, the cancellation terms and conditions explained in Article 1.a. apply.
International debt collection: if an invoice is not paid or our customers don’t respond to any of our communication, we will collaborate with the international debt collector Euler Hermes www.eulerhermes.com.
These Terms of Service and the Cancellations Terms are registered at the Amsterdam Chambre of Commerce:
Red Light District Tours Amsterdam